
TTime and gravity may eventually affect your breasts, causing them to become droopy or saggy. If you would like to restore the shape of your breasts, Dr. Hopkins can help through a breast lift procedure. This surgery can give your breasts a more youthful and firm appearance, and may be combined with a breast augmentation for size enhancement, if desired.

The Benefits of a Breast Lift

Over time, your breasts may lower for any number of reasons: Aging, extreme fluctuations in weight, illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and more. No matter the reason, a breast lift can correct it, restoring your breasts to a more youthful appearance. In doing so, a breast lift can also elevate your self-confidence, allowing you to feel more comfortable in your curves.

The Breast Lift Procedure

Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, raises the breasts by successfully removing the excess skin from the tissue and tightening the remaining tissue to reshape and offer support to the new contours of your chest. Breast lifts are becoming increasingly more popular, having grown by 70% since 2000.

There are several reasons to pursue a breast lift, including:


  • A breast lift can help you regain your pre-pregnancy silhouette, reversing some of the sagging caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • A breast lift can also help you feel more confident wearing a swimsuit or tight-fitting clothing.
  • Having a breast lift may simply be a way to turn back the hands of time, reversing some of the natural sagging that comes with age.
  • Breast lifts can also restore confidence, allowing you to look and feel like your younger self again.

Reasons to Choose a Breast Lift

For many Dallas women, having beautiful breasts is more than merely the size. In fact, overly-large, sagging breasts often cause women discomfort and pain. A surefire option to soothe the discomfort is a breast lift via a renowned plastic surgeon like Dr. Hopkins of J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery.

There are a variety of reasons that Dallas women decide to have a breast lift, including:

  • Wanting to Regain Pre-Pregnancy Form
    Pregnancy and breastfeeding tend to cause women’s breasts to sag. A breast lift, however, can help reposition your breasts to their former position.
  • Wanting a More Youthful Looking Body
    Most Dallas area women will experience some degree of breast sagging as they age. Women who want to turn back the hands of time on their bodies and have perkier breasts often choose a breast lift.
  • Wanting to Feel Comfortable in a Swimsuit or Tight Clothing
    There’s nothing like the thought of putting on a swimsuit or wearing tight clothing that can cause a Dallas area woman with sagging breasts to feel self-conscious about her appearance. If you want to feel comfortable in any and everything you wear and you have sagging breasts, you should consider a breast lift.
  • Wanting to Improve Self-Confidence
    Many women choose to have a breast lift because their sagging breasts have affected more than just their figure – they’ve taken a toll on their self-esteem. Sagging and deflated breasts make many Dallas women feel like they’ve lost a little part of themselves. A breast lift can help bring back a woman’s self-confidence and make her all together happier.

Combining a Breast Lift with Other Procedures

While you can certainly have a breast lift on its own, it is common to combine the breast lift with other surgeries. Streamlining multiple procedures into a single surgical event can help minimize risk, curb costs, and abbreviate recovery time.


Common options include:


  • Having a breast lift as part of your “Mommy Makeover,” combining it with breast augmentation surgery, a tummy tuck, and/or liposuction.
  • Combining a breast lift with breast augmentation, enhancing both the size and shape of your breasts.
  • Combining your breast lift with breast reduction, removing volume while rejuvenating the shape of your breasts.
Breast Lift Recovery

Recovery times can vary from one patient to the next, but most patients will need to rest and heal for about a week. At that point, you may feel ready to resume most of your normal daily activities, though abstaining from strenuous exercise for at least six weeks is important.

Some physical discomfort can be expected, but this is easily mitigated with a prescription or over-the-counter medications. Additionally, you may be advised to wear a compression garment or special support bra for a few weeks, which can help to control swelling and promote recovery.

Restore your breasts and achieve an overall younger-looking appearance.


This all-inclusive procedure can help you reach your body image goals.

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Timing Breast Lifts with Other Important Life Events

In some instances, having a breast lift may interfere with the milk ducts. As such, Dr. Hopkins will speak with you about your current and future family planning, potentially advising you to hold off on your breast lift until you are finished having children.

What a Breast Lift Can’t Do

It is important to keep in mind that the breast lift is strictly intended to enhance the shape of your breasts, and will not necessarily cause your breasts to appear any larger. In order to increase the volume of your breasts, or go up in cup sizes, you may wish to combine your breast lift with breast augmentation.

How Do I Know If I’m an Ideal Candidate for a Breast Lift?

During an initial consultation, Dr. Hopkins will perform a physical evaluation, ask questions about your medical history, and inquire about any medications you are currently taking. This information is all used to ensure you are a good candidate for a safe and successful procedure.

The best candidates for a breast lift:

  • Do not smoke.
  • Are not currently breastfeeding, and do not plan to have any additional children.
  • Are in good health overall, without any illnesses that could compromise the body’s ability to heal.
  • Have reasonable expectations about the breast lift procedure, results, and recovery.

Why Choose Dr. Hopkins?

Dr. Hopkins is a triple board-certified plastic surgeon, making him well-qualified to promote your safety and comfort while ensuring optimal results. He has more than 20 years of experience, and has performed over 5,000 procedures. Dr. Hopkins is the Dallas area’s trusted provider for breast lift procedures.

Breast Lift FAQs

  • Will a breast lift make my breasts firmer?

    Yes. A breast lift will result in breasts that are firmer, perkier, and positioned more appropriately on the chest.

  • Will my breasts sag again after I have a breast lift?

    As long as you do not have any new pregnancies, or experience significant weight changes, your breasts should not sag the same way they did before your breast lift. Once the extra skin is excised from the breasts, it is gone for good. While you may experience further loss in skin elasticity over time, it is unlikely that the skin will stretch enough to cause significant sagging again.

    Women with very large breasts are at the highest risk for significant sagging. If this concerns you, ask Dr. Hopkins about options to minimize your risk.

  • Am I too old for a breast lift?

    Though a breast lift is most often performed for women in their 30s, the procedure can also be completely appropriate and effective for women in their 40s or 50s. Regardless of your stage of life, Dr. Hopkins can help you determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

  • Will a breast lift cause me to lose sensation in my nipples?

    Some women indeed experience a loss of sensation in their nipples after having a breast lift, but this usually only lasts for 6-12 months, after which full sensation usually returns. However, a very small percentage of women experience permanent loss or decreased nipple sensation after their surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Hopkins will discuss this risk with you and address other possible risks.

Excellence in Breast Lifts in Dallas

A breast lift can give you an uplifted, more youthful appearance that will make you feel beautiful and confident. With Dr. Hopkins, you can rest assured you’ll get the best care and results from a professional surgeon. Take the first step today by scheduling a consultation with J.  Hopkins Plastic Surgery in Dallas at (972) 298-6641.