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Medically Reviewed by Dr. J. Hopkins


January 22, 2025

What Type of Breast Lift Leaves Minimal Scars   Blog IMG   Dr Jeffrey Hopkins

Over time, it is normal to see some signs of sagging skin. You may find that this lost elasticity is more notable in some areas than in others. For example, many women find that time and gravity cause their breasts to sag and their nipples to turn downward. Pregnancy, childbirth, and major weight fluctuations can compound these concerns.

Unlike breast augmentation, which enhances breast volume, a breast lift is primarily concerned with breast shape. Your breast lift can lift and tighten your breasts while repositioning your areolas, providing you with breasts that look more youthful and vibrant.

As you consider your options for a breast lift, it is only natural to have some questions about scarring. While some scarring is to be expected for any surgical procedure, the extent of your scarring can vary depending on the type of incision you receive.


Understanding Different Types of Breast Lifts

During your initial consultation, Dr. Hopkins will outline a few different options for your breast lift, providing details about the level of scarring you can expect from each one. Here is a brief outline of the main breast lift options.

Crescent or Donut Breast Lift

This type of breast lift only creates incisions around the areolas, which leads to minimal scarring. The crescent lift only involves a half-circle incision along the top of the areola, which leads to the least extensive scarring of all, while the donut breast lift involves a fuller circle around the entire areola.

Lollipop Breast Lift

The lollipop breast lift involves a circle-shaped incision around the areola, then a line extending down into the breast itself. This means that the scarring you will experience is quite a bit more extensive and will likely resemble a lollipop in its shape.

Anchor Breast Lift

The anchor breast lift involves the most extensive incisions and, thus, the most pervasive scarring. Like the lollipop breast lift, this technique involves a circle around the areola and then a line down toward the bottom of the breast. It then adds a horizontal line at the bottom of the breast, roughly resembling an anchor shape.

Which Type of Breast Lift is Right for You?

Ultimately, the type of breast lift you need is determined by the degree of lift you need and the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. Larger incisions are needed in a more extreme lift and/or in cases with significant excess skin vs. in a case with a minimal lift where no excess skin is present.

During your consultation, Dr. Hopkins and his team will carefully listen to your aesthetic needs and goals, answer any questions you may have, and ultimately recommend a treatment plan that will help you achieve the results you desire.

Will Breast Lift Scarring Heal?

Immediately following your breast lift, the scarring will likely be very prominent. You can expect your scars to be a bold red or purple color. Over time, these scars will fade into thin white lines that are much less noticeable. This process may take a few months, in some cases, up to a full year.

Something else to be aware of is that, due to the positioning of your breast lift incisions, the scars will be easy to conceal under a bra or a bikini top. Generally, the scarring will only be visible when you are topless.

Tips to Help Breast Lift Scarring Fade

There are a few simple steps you can follow to help minimize your breast lift scarring. These guidelines include:

  • Make sure you keep your incision sites covered until they have had a chance to heal.
  • Whenever you are out in the sun, make sure your incision sites are fully protected.
  • Apply the silicone gel your surgeon provides you with for use during the aftercare and recovery process.
  • Ask your surgeon about Vitamin E or other creams and lotions that can help scars to fade.
  • Wear a supportive bra while you heal, especially if you are moving around or doing any kind of exercise.
  • Follow any other aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Hopkins.

Find Out More About Having a Breast Lift Procedure

As you consider options to revitalize your figure, consider the benefits of having a breast lift. Dr. Hopkins is pleased to talk with you about the procedure and about what you can expect in terms of scarring. If you’re considering a breast lift to revitalize your figure, learn more about the procedure and what to expect in terms of scarring by visiting our blog.