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Medically Reviewed by Dr. J. Hopkins


May 2, 2019

Closeup of woman's breasts with beige and black shirtDr. Hopkins sees dozens of women every year for breast reduction surgery, and most of these Dallas women seek him out because they suffer from daily pain due to the size of their breasts. But undergoing breast reduction is still surgery, and you should be well prepared before making your decision. This includes making preparations for your recovery. In order to help you know what to expect and how to plan after your breast reduction, we have provided several tips for your recovery.

Take Your Medication as Prescribed

A breast reduction surgery should not be considered a minor procedure. Incisions are made, and fat and tissue are removed, which results in sensitive and tender breasts. After your procedure, Dr. Hopkins will provide you with detailed post-op instructions on how to properly take care of yourself. These will include instructions on what medications you should take and when you should take them. Do not try to be a hero during your recovery! It is important that you take your pain medicine on time, so you stay comfortable. Remember, it’s harder to catch up with the pain than it is to keep it at bay.

Rest! Rest! Rest!

Don’t do too much too soon. We know the world sits on the shoulders of women, but immediately following your breast reduction, you’re going to have to take it easy. Don’t clean your house. Don’t lift small children. Don’t cook large meals. And don’t exercise. Make plans with your family and friends to provide help around the house and with your children if needed. If you don’t heed this important instruction, you could end up with complications, which could keep you down even longer.

Don’t Sleep on Your Belly

Dr. Hopkins knows sleeping will not be easy for his Dallas patients the first few days after a breast reduction. However, to prevent more pain and complications, he recommends you sleep on your back or side for several days following your procedure. If you can’t get comfortable in bed, try sleeping in a recliner. These sleeping positions will help relieve pressure from the surgical site and keep swelling at bay.

Keep All of Your Follow Up Appointments at J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery

Even if you feel “just fine,” it is imperative that you keep all of your follow up appointments with Dr. Hopkins. This is the only way you can ensure that you are healthy and healing well. Remember, chances are you’re not medically trained, so you won’t be able to know if you’re breasts are healing well from your breast reduction. If you have to miss an appointment, make sure you reschedule as soon as possible.

Schedule Your Breast Reduction Consultation Today

If you live in the Dallas area and have been suffering from daily pain because of your overly large breasts, call Dr. Hopkins at J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery today to schedule your initial consultation. He will be able to explain the breast reduction procedure to you and answer any questions you may have. You can reach his Dallas office by calling (972) 298-6641 today!