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September 10, 2024

Can Liposuction Treat Obesity   Blog IMG   Dr Jeffrey Hopkins

Liposuction is a popular plastic surgery procedure that can eliminate stubborn pockets of fat that even rigorous exercise and a healthy diet cannot remove. But can liposuction treat obesity and help jumpstart your efforts to slim down? Not necessarily. However, it can complement your weight loss journey.

Why Liposuction Is Not a Weight Loss Solution

Liposuction is designed to help contour your body, focusing on specific areas of localized fat deposits. Small amounts of fat are removed to create a streamlined silhouette and a more toned physique. There is a limit to how much fat and fluid can safely be removed, typically at most five liters per procedure. You may drop a few pounds on the scale, but nothing significant. The improved contour is more noticeable than the actual weight loss.

Obesity treatment is focused on overall weight loss across your entire body, not just targeted areas. The amount of liposuction required to see those results can be potentially dangerous. Furthermore, your body contains both subcutaneous and visceral fat. Liposuction removes subcutaneous fat just below the skin, whereas visceral fat is deeper in the abdominal cavity surrounding your internal organs. Diet and exercise are more effective at reducing visceral fat.

Obesity can also contribute to other health concerns that can make liposuction riskier. Your plastic surgeon considers multiple factors to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. Patient safety is a top priority, so Dr. Hopkins wants to ensure you are in overall good health before proceeding with treatment.

How Liposuction Can Complement Weight Loss

Once you have reached a stable weight, liposuction can help optimize results. Even if you still have a higher BMI, small amounts of fat removal in targeted areas can smooth small bulges and create a trimmer appearance. Common areas for treatment include:

  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Love handles/flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Thighs

These are places where even consistent exercise may not effectively eliminate fat deposits. Liposuction can remove stubborn fat cells, allowing your skin to recontour itself to your new shape. This is especially effective if your skin has maintained its elasticity, adding to a smoother appearance.

Your plastic surgeon will work with you to identify areas that you are unhappy with and create a plan for how liposuction can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. It is important to keep realistic expectations and know the procedure’s limitations. Reviewing before and after pictures can give you a better perspective and guide you in what you can expect.

Maintaining Liposuction Results

One of the benefits of liposuction is its long-lasting results. Fat cells are permanently removed from treated areas. You may notice some changes immediately, but it can take several months for your body to adjust and any swelling to resolve before you see the final results.

If you maintain a consistent weight and healthy lifestyle, the improved definition you achieved will remain visible in your figure. Regular exercise can help you stay toned, strengthen your muscles, and burn fat. Remember that you should avoid strenuous exercise for the first few weeks of your recovery.

If you gain a moderate amount of weight after the procedure, your remaining fat cells will increase in size and can negate previous results. Your contour will not be as streamlined and defined, and you may see new pockets of fat emerge in other areas. Fluctuations in weight can also stretch your skin and decrease its tautness.

In some cases, liposuction may be combined with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck, butt lift, or arm lift, to enhance results and improve overall contouring. This can provide more comprehensive changes depending on your goals.

Learn More About How Liposuction Can Fit into Your Weight Loss Journey

Liposuction may not treat obesity, but it can help you banish stubborn pockets of fat that keep you from looking and feeling more confident in your body. Schedule a consultation at J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX, by calling (972) 472-8735 to learn how to benefit from liposuction to achieve a more toned physique.