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Medically Reviewed by Dr. J. Hopkins


June 27, 2019

Closeup of man bare chest facing frontFor men who suffer from large breasts, just finding clothes to wear can be taxing and discouraging. Gynecomastia is a condition that affects thousands of men in the Dallas area, but it’s not one that you have to keep living with. Dr. Hopkins of J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery is skilled in providing men just like you with renewed self-confidence and a more masculine body shape. Keep reading to learn more about how Dr. Hopkins can treat your case of gynecomastia. 

But First, What Is Gynecomastia?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, gynecomastia is a condition of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men that can occur at any age. For men who suffer from this condition, the amount of emotional stress and discomfort they experience as a result is possibly the most debilitating. Many men with gynecomastia will avoid intimate situations with their partner, avoid taking their shirt off at the pool or beach, and wear clothes that are two sizes too big in order to hide their breasts.

If you’re a Dallas man who has struggled with the physical appearance of your chest for years, but you’re unsure if you are actually suffering from gynecomastia, the following are characteristics of the condition:

  • Extra fat in the breast area
  • Over-development of glandular tissue
  • Excess breast skin
  • Present in one or both breasts

Gynecomastia Treatment

Dallas patients who choose Dr. Hopkins to perform their gynecomastia surgery want to know what their procedure will entail. There are several different techniques used in male breast reduction. 

  • Liposuction Technique
    For men in Dallas who have a small degree of excess fatty tissue and no degree of sagging, Dr. Hopkins may choose to use the liposuction technique. During this procedure, he will make several small incisions in the problem area and then insert a thin, hollow tube called a cannula. During the liposuction technique, Dr. Hopkins will carefully move the cannula back and forth to loosen the excess fat. Once he has done this, the fat will be removed from the body by vacuum suction. And once that fat has been removed, it’s gone for good!
  • Excision Technique

If Dr. Hopkins decides that your case of gynecomastia includes excess glandular breast tissue and excess skin, he may recommend the excision technique. This will also be used if the areola has been pulled down and stretched out. How Dr. Hopkins will perform this technique and where the incisions will be placed will be based on your specific body type and surgical needs, all of which he will carefully discuss with you during your consultation.

  • Combination of Liposuction and Excision Techniques

Sometimes patients require a combination of liposuction and excision techniques to be used during their gynecomastia treatment. If you have excess fatty tissue, sagging of the areola, and excess glandular breast tissue, Dr. Hopkins may elect to perform this combination surgery.

Call J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery Today

There is no way for you to determine what type of treatment you require for your specific case of gynecomastia, that’s why it is so important to see Dr. Hopkins of J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery to have an initial consultation.

He will be able to examine your problem area, explain the male breast reduction process to you, and answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the procedure. Call his office in Dallas today at (972) 298-6641 to make your appointment.