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Medically Reviewed by Dr. J. Hopkins


January 21, 2024

10 Tips for Liposuction Recover   Blog IMG   Dr Jeffrey Hopkins

Liposuction is an effective way of removing stubborn pockets of fat and contouring your figure. It is a common procedure that many patients take advantage of to feel more confident in their appearance. Although it is a relatively safe and straightforward procedure, there is still a recovery process. These tips can help you stay comfortable and promote healing while optimizing results.

1. Take It Easy

Plan to take several days off of work after your liposuction procedure to give yourself time to rest. You will be sore, and adequate sleep can promote healing and help you maintain your energy. Try to tie up any loose ends before surgery so you can focus on your recovery and are not busy running errands. Take any medications as directed to minimize discomfort and prevent infection.

2. Gently Clean the Area

Keeping the incision sites clean can reduce your risk of infection. Use a damp cloth to carefully wipe around treated areas and then pat them dry. Keep your showers short and use warm or cool water, as hot water can increase swelling. Avoid taking a bath or swimming for at least two weeks.

3. Keep Compression Garments On

Compression garments may initially seem uncomfortable, but they are part of the healing process. They should be snug but not too tight. The pressure they provide aids in reducing swelling and fluid build-up and reshaping your body. Dr. Hopkins will tell you how long to wear them and when to stop.

4. Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing

The compression garments do an excellent job of providing the right amount of pressure where needed. Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, and non-restrictive clothing that allows the rest of your skin to breathe and move comfortably. This can reduce irritation around the treatment site and promote recovery.

5. Start with Light Exercise

Spending most of your day on the couch after liposuction is tempting, but you want to find a balance between rest and activity. Short walks can improve your blood flow and circulation, supporting healing. After about two weeks, Dr. Hopkins will clear you to return to the gym and engage in light exercise that does not put too much strain on your body or incisions.

6. Increase Your Water Intake

Staying hydrated is essential, as liposuction removes fat and fluid from your body. Water is healthy for your skin, supports natural healing processes, and prevents dehydration that can contribute to potential complications. It also helps flush out toxins and reduce the risk of infection. Aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.

7. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Good nutrition also promotes healing, ensuring that your body is fueled with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Focus on fresh produce, lean meats, plant-based proteins, and whole grains. Limiting sodium can curb fluid retention and swelling. Maintaining a stable weight can also support long-term results.

8. Avoid Smoking

Smoking slows wound healing and constricts your blood vessels, impeding the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It can also increase your risk of infection. You should stop smoking several days before surgery and for a few weeks after, though quitting altogether is recommended to promote better health.

9. Listen to Your Body – and Your Doctor

You know your body, and when something feels “off.” If you have any questions or concerns during your recovery, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. It is better to be proactive and catch potential problems early on than to second-guess yourself. Ask for clarification about any post-operative instructions before the procedure so you know what to expect.

 10. Follow Up as Directed

Dr. Hopkins and his team will schedule periodic follow-ups to monitor your progress and check the incision sites. Be sure to attend all your follow-up appointments to promote a smooth recovery and implement any changes as necessary. Jot down any questions you think of between appointments so you remember.

Remember that you will take some time to return to your normal routine and activities because you just had surgery. It will also take several weeks for any bruising and swelling to resolve fully and for the final results of your liposuction to settle. Things will improve every day, and you will be able to see the changes that have occurred.

Maximize Your Liposuction Results

Dr. Hopkins works with you each step of the way before, during, and after your liposuction procedure to help you achieve a more flattering, toned figure. Get the results you have been dreaming of with liposuction at J. Hopkins Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX, and learn more about the procedure on our blog.