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Medically Reviewed by Dr. J. Hopkins


June 30, 2023

How Much Weight Can I Expect to Lose with Liposuction   Blog IMG   Dr Jeffrey Hopkins

Liposuction permanently removes fat cells thereby creating a slimmer, more defined physique. It is natural to wonder how much weight you can lose through liposuction and if it can help you move the scale in the right direction. While weight loss can occur after the procedure, it is important to remember that this is not the primary intention or goal. The focus is on contouring targeted areas of the body through fat removal, not achieving an overall reduction in weight.

How Does Liposuction Work?

An applicator is inserted under the skin during liposuction treatment to suction out small amounts of excess fat and tissue. The skin naturally remolds itself to accommodate this loss, creating a more toned silhouette. The procedure focuses on targeted areas where stubborn pockets of fat form and are not easily remedied by traditional diet and exercise.


Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

Your body produces both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat forms below the skin, and you can pinch it with your fingers. You may notice it around your abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, and even under your chin. Visceral fat surrounds many of your organs and is below the abdominal wall. Too much of either kind of fat can impact your health and weight. Liposuction focuses on removing the surface-level subcutaneous fat.

Removing up to five liters of fat, tissue, and fluid is generally considered safe during a single liposuction treatment. Of course, this will vary depending on your specific health and goals. However, fat cells are not incredibly dense, so even though five liters sounds like a lot, it may have less of an effect on your actual weight than you think.

This weight loss may not drastically change your overall appearance or weight, but you can see the difference in the areas treated after liposuction. Losing that subcutaneous fat means there is not much left to pinch, and the area is flatter and more toned.

Will I Lose Weight from Liposuction?

Regular exercise and eating a well-balanced diet are more effective approaches to weight loss, though it can take time for your efforts to pay off. This method leads to widespread fat burning across your entire body, helping you shed pounds. Liposuction can help refine results and smooth small bulges to streamline your figure. This can increase your motivation to continue embracing a healthier lifestyle and achieving your goals. Yes, you may lose some weight from liposuction, but that is not the intended purpose.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?

During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will ask what you hope to achieve through liposuction. If your goal is to lose weight, there may be better places to start and liposuction may be something you consider later in your journey.

Some of the key factors Dr. Hopkins looks for in determining whether you are a good candidate for this procedure include:

  • You are in good overall health.
  • You have a stable body weight and are within 30% of your goal.
  • You have specific areas of fat you wish to remove.
  • You have realistic expectations about the results liposuction can achieve.

Losing some additional weight following liposuction should not significantly alter the effects, but depending on the amount lost, it can result in loose skin. Gaining weight, on the other hand, can lessen the definition and contouring you experience from liposuction. The fat cells that were removed do not regrow, but the remaining fat cells can increase in size once again, creating pockets of stubborn fat.

Ultimately, you want to stay within a few pounds of the weight you were when undergoing liposuction and continue to engage in healthy eating and regular exercise to maintain your shapelier figure. Following post-op instructions from your plastic surgeon, such as wearing compression garments, staying hydrated, and avoiding smoking, can help ease recovery and optimize your outcome. It can take several months for any lingering swelling to resolve and for the final changes to take shape, but you will notice a difference within a short time after liposuction.

Learn More About the Benefits of Liposuction

Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Hopkins can help you understand the capabilities and limitations of liposuction, whether you are a good candidate, and how you may benefit from the procedure. Learn more about the details of the procedure and other types of plastic surgery on our blog.